Does anyone else feel like watching an episode of the Drew Carey show? No? Just me huh?
Oh well, here we are in Clyde, OH today - almost to Indiana! So far Ohio has been a set of extremes --- best AND worst roads, hottest AND coldest weather, and smallest AND biggest birds! What?!
A couple of days ago going into Cleveland the temperature was seriously 90, "feels like 100" with 5 MPH wind and a dew point in the high 70's --- it was seriously the worst day ever trying to make it 55+ miles through Cleveland to city center where we had a free night at a hotel. At one point around lunch we were so overheated we went into the first restaurant that didnt look overly sketchy just to soak up their a/c for a while - very nice.

As we approached city center I saw a bunch of people just baking in the sun on the side of a hill across the freeway just staring out in one direction over Lake Erie. I was thinking maybe they were going to have some kind of awesome fireworks show that night or something, but turns out there was an Air Show going on and the USAF Thunderbirds were about 10 minutes from performing. Just as we got into downtown Cleveland, we could hear them take off -- I had seriously never seen an air show so close to a major city before! I mean, I've seen the Thunderbirds, but I've never seen them do their tricks and then fly around all the skyscrapers that made up downtown to come back around for the next trick --- it was VERY cool!
The last couple days have been windy, rainy, and cold! We've been windswept sideways on our bikes, hailed on and it was definitely lightly raining sideways on us yesterday! We met a couple of older gentlemen riding their bikes east -- its always nice to meet other cross country riders -- they are always excited for us and urge us to keep going!
Speaking of keeping going.... today is the day we peel off the trial for our friends wedding! We have 40ish miles to knock out to pick up a rental car and get our behinds back to Vermont. Speaking of that, why the heck are 1-week rental's so DANG cheap compared to 1 or 2 days??? Anyways, we haven't had a plan so far, so the question is... will we be back to finish, or is it moving time?
Have a great rest of your week!
~Styx & Bones