Wait... its OCTOBER!?!?!
It has been one heckuva (<--- thats a real word where I'm from) whirlwind since we last blogged! After we checked out some of South Dakota's sites and drove across the barren prairie of Nebraska, we finally made our way down to Denver, CO where we still magically had a couple days left to explore before my interview. We spent most of it driving around neighborhoods trying to get a feel for where we would like to live once we move out there, and driving around through the Rockies between Golden and Boulder, CO. At first we both kept having flashbacks of living in Phoenix, AZ (we aren't used to the warm, dry air and TONS of sunshine), but since the sunshine is why we are moving out there, we quickly adapted to the fact that our long-forgotten tans are probably here to stay for a while. Seriously, SPF100 on the bicycle ride and there is a DISTINCT line where my normal skin tone begins and where my shorts ended... lol.
So ANYWAYS, I had my interview that Wednesday and that night we had a ton of fun going out for "Geeks who Drink" trivia at a local brewpub with friends from back in CA, Toshia & Jorge Chavez, where we successfully assisted in defending their title of 'almost 3rd place!' The next day we started making the drive back to the Hatten's in St. Louis -- this time through scenic Kansas, lol. We were really torn on what we wanted to do next, and since we've never really had a solid plan of where this bike ride was heading, it took a lot of back and forth debating to finally decide on what our next move was going to be. At the end of the day, we just weren't that excited about any of our directional choices when it came to biking. I mean, once we reached Missourri, we were looking at having to head through either Nebraska, Kansas or Oklahoma... all of which we've both driven through and none of which were particularly interesting to us as far as biking went. Plus, moving into October most of the campgrounds were now closed for the season, and places to stay were few and far between.
So based on all that and a lot of other factors, we decided to just head back to CT to pick up our junk and move out to Denver now! Boy am I glad that was our decision because just a couple days ago the company I interviewed with called and offered me the job -- woot! I'm glad I found out about it while I'm here getting ready to move, and not while riding my bicycle through Oklahoma! LOL.
So now we are here in CT packing up and saying 'see ya later' to Jeff's family and some old friends. We pick up our trailers tomorrow and will be heading out of town early Sunday morning on our way out to Colorado. We will of course be stopping in at the Hatten's in St. Louis to grab our bicycles and talk about Ninjas, Chuck Norris and Terra Nova -- can't wait to see them again!
Anyways, when I do these blogs not everything always comes out the way I am thinking about them, and this time is no different. I wish I could explain better how crazily the stars aligned from leaving our jobs at Unilever to biking, to finding out I got a face-to-face interview while staying with the Hattens, to coming back to CT only to find out I got the job, to finding out where I'm working has a sister plant in Germany where Michelle lives! It's crazy and this isn't even close to showing all the crazy coincidences. Did I mention I didn't even apply for this job? I applied for a different one... on my birthday... lol.
OK, enough about that. Its been real, its been fun... and it has been real fun! Can't wait to keep bicycling out in Colorado and continuing to live the dream! Now, time for some good 'ol fashioned Geocaching!
~Styx & Bones
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