Thursday, April 7, 2011

"I can see Alaska from my house!"

Hanging out with some good friends at the Cougar Pot tonight when I turned and asked Jeff... "What if instead of riding to mom's house from here, we ride to the coast of CA, turn right and go to Alaska?  THEN we can see RUSSIA!" 

After we came home Jeff's sporadically awesome memory came into play and he pulled out his phone to play me this little gem:

Haha - I LOVE IT!
If you're looking for a fun bicycling song, check these out!  I don't know why anyone would be looking for one besides me... so if you KNOW one, post on my FB or here!!!  Playlists starting... noooooowwww!!!

Bicycle Wreck – Tennessee Mafia Jugman
Bicycle Built For Two – Nat King Cole
Bicycle Commuters Anthem – Shera Kelly
Bicycle Song - Susannah Vlachly
My Bicycle - Beebo
Fat Girls on Bicycles - Punk Group

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